Today Violet and I met our fellow mums and babies at the Harbord Early Childhood Center for the first of four parent group meetings.
All the babies were born around the same time and aged between 3-6 weeks old. All the mums looked frazzled and there was one token dad who seemed to look more frazzled than all of us by the end of the session...
We were asked to share both the 'worst' and 'most memorable' thing about the birth. (Essentially the same thing for most of us but I don't think that was the intention!)
The general consensus was that the worst part were the contractions leading up to the pushing stage (we were all happy to be able to push by then). The best memory was skin on skin time with the little one immediately after birth as well as witnessing our loved one's first encounter with baby.
I found myself almost feeling grateful about my 5 hour projectile vomiting, cripplingly painful, no drugs ordeal after hearing some of the other labour stories. For example one lady was carried out of her home to an ambulance by the builders working next door 'naked and covered in blood'. Yet another example of a home birth disaster!
Violet was also weighed by the nurse, kindly decorating their scales with wee and vomit.